A Service of Remembrance
Saturday, 23 rd September, 2023
Many thanks to all the choristers who took part at this very moving occasion for the
surviving relatives of those whose names are remembered here for all time.
The service was conducted at St. Martin in the Bull Ring, Birmingham, led by Reader Liz
Harris. During the Service the choir, under the leadership of Steve Roche and accompanied
by Chris Wark, sang Ose Shalom( the One who makes Peace) in Hebrew which resonated
with many of the audience members followed by Steal Away later in the service.
Also supporting the service was the Cubbington Silver Band conducted by Kieron Howe.
We would like to thank Brian Wright, Vice Chair of BARRA for inviting the choir to take part
at this annual remembrance service and for making us feel very welcomed.
Meirion Bowen.
Concert Secretary, BMVC.