At the RoadPeace Wood.
National Memorial Arboretum,
Saturday, 12 th August, 2023, 2.30pm,
Each year in August the above ceremony takes place at the NMA, where guests, who had
lost loved ones due to road traffic collisions, are invited along to commemorate their sad
Due to the vagaries of the British weather and with some last minute re arrangements this
year’s ceremony had to take place indoors at the Aspects building.
BMVC had been invited to sing at the ceremony and what a privilege it was to be able to
share this moving experience with the gathered audience. Jeremy Allcock, Rector of St.
Martin’s in the Bull Ring led the ceremony and several guests spoke movingly of their sad
loss. Afterwards, we had the opportunity to share conversations with the guests and to
have the time to reflect on the afternoon’s impact on what we has seen and heard.
Our thanks to Sara Dowling and Lucy Harrison of RoadPeace and the Staff at NMA for
their excellent organisation and for their due care and attention during this memorable
Meirion Bowen,
Concert Secretary, BMVC